Zobia Gull

Hi, tech lovers! I'm Zobia Gull, your go-to tech writer. My mission? Making the latest and greatest technology easy for you to grasp. Let's dive into the tech world together and uncover its endless possibilities!


What is Affiliate Marketing – A Free Virtual Event

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy used by someone to promote other people’s products and gain commissions. The person who promotes the product or brand is often called an Affiliate. Affiliate marketing become very popular these days. The company will pay for each client, which comes after the marketing campaigns done by an affiliate. 


How can Edge Computing be used to Improve Sustainability?

Edge computing improves sustainability by reducing energy consumption, cutting down on data transmission, and helps in real time decision-making. In this Technological world, maintaining a sustainable environment is always challenging. But technology plays an important role in reshaping industries and lifestyles. One of the great technologies is called edge computing. This technology solves complex problems …

How can Edge Computing be used to Improve Sustainability? Read More »


What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Robotic Process Automation(RPA) is a way for a business process that relies on software robots or artificial intelligence agents. It is also known as software robotics. This process uses automated technologies to perform back-office tasks of workers such as retrieving data from databases, filling in forms, moving files, etc.


Why are Chatbots a Great Tool for Strategically Using Marketing Automation and AI?

Chatbots and AI are great tools for strategically using marketing automation and AI. In the era of digital marketing, businesses are constantly working to discover innovative ways to attract more traffic from customers. For this purpose, they tend to optimize their marketing strategies. Chatbots can be one of the most powerful tools that leverage AI to automate and advance various marketing functions.


What is one way that Technology can improve the Distribution of Goods?

The demand for Goods in the production sector is increasing day by day. More than human labor is needed to handle the distribution of Goods effectively.   As we know, Technology plays a vital role in our everyday lives. Our lavished lifestyles are dependent on technology.   Technology can be used to automate processes of distribution. it can increase …

What is one way that Technology can improve the Distribution of Goods? Read More »